This is a list of websites by those who have info and experience in mandated COVID (and other) injections. I suggest you start by watching the 5 minute video on the Solari Report site linked below, then edit the appropriate form and get it in the mail.
Educate yourself! I’ve included sites that have links on COVID, vaccine development, masks, and mandates. There is strength in numbers: a group of students or employees has a bigger impact than one. But every ONE is important, so don’t let the lack of a like-minded group deter you. Your group may find you as you move through this!
Catherine Austin Fitts at The Solari Report
Catherine Austin Fitts and her team at the Solari Report have put together forms that can be used for employers and for colleges/universities. I highly encourage you to first listen to the 5 minute video at this link:
It is very important to keep copies of everything and send documents by certified mail so you have proof of delivery. Document all phone calls, what was said, date/time, with whom you spoke. But having things in writing is best.
Links to both sets of forms are available at that same link.
Austin Fitts has also designed a family financial form that helps lay out the potential financial burden for an adverse immunization outcome, including death. This form includes an extensive list of side effects, and links to package insert and/or FDA/CDC info on each COVID injection currently available.
Children’s Health Defense
Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s outstanding advocacy and education group; I can’t speak highly enough about him and his work. Their vaccine safety course is excellent, and provides a good basis for assessing safety of various injections and vaccines.
CHD has written 3 legal documents regarding injections, masks, and testing that can be downloaded from their site at this link:
Peggy Hall – The Healthy American
Peggy has many videos on her website, regarding both employers and schools/universities.
Millions Against Medical Mandates
Similar forms to The Solari Report forms. Lots of great information on the experimental genetic COVID injections, advocacy efforts, resources.
National Vaccine Information Center
NVIC has much information on all vaccines and the experimental COVID injections. is their advocacy arm.
Stand for Health Freedom
advocacy efforts, information
America’s Frontline Doctors
Information on COVID, injections, legal actions, citizens’ advocacy efforts. They offer a telemedicine service if you want advice/prescriptons for hydroxychloroquine & ivermectin. The doctors have joined forces with lawyers to make an excellent team.
Their letter for students, modifiable for employees, etc. is found on the legal tab, scrolling down to “Vaccines & the Law”:
Virginia Freedom Keepers
Virginia’s advocacy group. Great information and research linked daily on their subgroup Facebook page, March Against Mandates:
Link to resources:–resources.html
Ohio Stands Up
Many states have their own advocacy groups; this is Ohio’s. One of the lawyers, Tom Renz, is also a part of the legal team at America’s Frontline Doctors, and has been a primary force behind the Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children, filed May 19, 2021 in the US District Court in Alabama.
Link to document regarding employer mandates:
Liberty Counsel Action
Legal advocacy and actions, information, links to many resources on injections, mask mandates, COVID-19. Injections linked here:
Standing with you,
Patty Powers MD