This is a list of websites by those who have info and experience in mandated COVID (and other) injections. I suggest you start by watching the 5 minute video on
Category: News
“In Memory of Bread: A Memoir” by Paul Graham (Book Review)
I just finished reading Paul Graham’s book chronicling his diagnosis of celiac disease, followed by 2 years of coming to terms with the elimination of all things gluten, from his
Do you have enough testosterone?
We typically think of testosterone as the manly hormone, especially in regard to sexual function of men. Research shows that men with low testosterone, and even testosterone levels in the
How Healthy are You? Measuring pH
A lot of people rely on their annual physical and labwork to decide if they are healthy. Lungs sound good, heart ticking regularly, feeling pretty good… routine labs like chemistries,
Thyroid Medication: Decisions, decisions, decisions!
If you need thyroid hormone, there are a number of options to choose from. In general, side effects are limited to the symptoms of hypothyroidism if you are not taking
What do my Thyroid Tests Mean?
Have you been told that your thyroid tests are normal, but you still wonder if something is not right? Are you confused with all of the test names and result
Pain and Fatigue: Is it really Fibromyalgia, or is it something else?
Chronic, widespread pain and achiness, debilitating fatigue – most would get a diagnosis of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). But, before making that diagnosis, it is important to rule out other disorders
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: What You Can Do to Get to the Underlying Cause
Have you been told you have hypothyroidism? Do you take medicine for “low thyroid”? Do you have an enlarged thyroid gland? Do you have positive thyroid antibodies? If